Keeper of The South
Mountain Parrot
Kea is of the high beech forests, the yellow tussock lands and the rocky peaks, for it is the mountain parrot. Kea’s home is in sheltered crevices where the families gather to bring forth young in the new light of the spring-born days. Its spirit is of the vast open spaces and the closeness of the child’s world of fun.
Coloured a beautiful olive green to match the upland forests, Kea reveals its first surprise in flight when it presents the scarlet underside of its wings. This flash of joy is true to the nature of this alpine bird. The walker, new to the mountains, is often astonished when Kea arrives to share the trail, one or two hopping in front and several following close behind.
This is Kea, trail companion, child of delight and wayward humour. The wary know it is unwise to leave packs and tents unguarded. For the moment they turn their backs Kea hops in to investigate the wondrous toys carried by the traveller. Socks are shredded with razor-hooked beak, toothpaste is opened and tasted for flavour, a shiny spoon is a welcome boon and instant source of Kea laughter. This is the play that is their way no matter how old the bird, for all are of the child eternal.
We have named other parrots, taught them words to say, and caged them for our amusement. Kea gifts to us its joy without giving up its freedom. It visits entertains and leaves by its own choosing.
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